Save Energy, $ave money!When: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:30AM-5PM |
As winter draws near, many residents, both homeowners and renters, will be facing a chilly indoors, coupled with higher energy bills. As utility customers and taxpayers, they are financially supporting a variety of energy efficiency programs that could assist them, and yet they may be unaware of these opportunities. The City of Gresham is offering free energy efficiency information fairs, to raise awareness in the community about the benefits of energy conservation and the opportunities to increase energy efficiency in one's home. Regardless of whether one owns or rents, lives in a single family home, mobile home, apartment or condominium, there are no cost, low cost and advanced energy efficiency opportunities and incentives available.
Representatives from the Energy Trust of Oregon and Multnomah County's Weatherization and Energy Services will be on hand to answer questions about incentives and assistance opportunities. Indow Windows will display their locally manufactured window inserts and Home Depot will showcase products and techniques for DIY weatherization. Educational presentations and videos will be screened throughout the day. And the City of Gresham's Water Division will distribute free Home Water Conservation Kits!
More info
Contact Nicole Cousino, City of Gresham, 503-618-2485 or email