How-to Report Graffiti in Gresham

Graffiti affects everyone.

Graffiti affects everyone

It damages your property, and it impacts our community.

Help eliminate graffiti by reporting it immediately!

To file a complaint or report graffiti:

  • Go to MyGresham and click the Create new issue button.
  • Call Code Enforcement (24 hours) at 503-618-2463 or 503-618-2248 (graffiti)
  • Fax Code Enforcement (24 hours) at 503-618-2309
  • Email Code Enforcement at

Please provide detailed information stating the nature of the complaint, address of the property, and the nearest cross street.

Report Abandoned Vehicles

Abandoned Vehicles are reported to the Abandoned Vehicle Line (24 hours) at 503-618-3081 or through MyGresham. Please leave location of vehicle, make and/or model, color, plate number, and state of registration.