

Wilkes East Neighborhood Association Bylaws


ORGANIZATION: Name, Purpose, Boundary

Section 1. The Name.

The name of this organization shall be the Wilkes East Neighborhood Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.

Section 2. Purpose.

The purpose of this organization shall be to provide an opportunity for members to cooperate with each other and the City on matters affecting the neighborhood and the City as a whole. Means of accomplishing this purpose shall include but not be limited to:

  • A. Providing a public forum for the review and evaluation of issues and problems affecting our neighborhood and our city, and the education of citizens, groups and government bodies with respect to such issues and problems;

  • B. Serving as a voice for our neighborhood in presenting our views and testimony before private and public bodies such as service clubs, other neighborhood associations or groups and the City Council on issues and concerns having impact on both our neighborhood and our city;

  • C. Providing better channels of communication and dissemination of accurate information between the government and the citizens at large; and

  • D. Promoting a forum through which citizens may promote and implement neighborhood activities such as long-range planning, public safety programs, and the general livability of the neighborhoods.

Section 3. Boundary.

The boundary shall be as follows: N.E. Glisan St from N.E. 162nd Ave St to N.E. 181st Ave; N.E. 181st Ave from N.E. Glisan St to N.E. Sandy Blvd, continuing north to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Union Pacific Railroad tracks directly North of N.E. 181st Ave west to the Gresham City limits. Gresham city limits from Union Pacific Railroad tracks south to I-84 (north side.) I-84 north side from Gresham City limits to N.E. 162nd Ave; N.E. 162nd Ave from N.E. Sandy Blvd to N.E. Glisan St. See attached map.



Section 1. Eligibility.

The Association shall not deny membership rights or access to the benefits of the Association to any individual on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, age, heritage, national origin, or income.

Section 2. Membership Dues.

No membership dues or fees shall be required in order to belong to the Association. All contributions provided to the Association shall be voluntary.

Section 3. Voting Rights.

A voting member is one who owns property, lives or conducts a business within the boundaries of the Association. Upon request, identification may be required for proof of residency. Only voting members are entitled to vote on any Association matter and they are eligible for election to the Board. Voting may be done in person or by proxy signed. All members shall have a right to notice.


Meetings of Members

Section 1. Annual Meetings.

The members of the Association shall hold at least one general membership meeting annually. The annual membership meeting shall be called and held at any location determined by the officers of the Association, but within the association boundaries or nearest practical location thereto. The notice shall be given fifteen (15)days in advance to all members of the Association and include the date, time and location of the annual meeting.

Section 2. Special Meetings.

Special meetings of the members may be called by the President or by ten (10) members. Notice shall be given in the same manner as provided for in Section 3 below.

Section 3. Notice.

Written or printed notice of a regular meeting, including the place, day, and hour of the meeting, and the purpose of purposes for which the meeting is called shall be delivered not less than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by mail, by or at the direction of the President, or the Secretary, or the officers or persons calling the meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, with postage fully prepaid. To conform with the public meeting Laws, Notice of all annual meeting shall be sent to local newspapers for publication. The notice shall contain a list of principal subjects to be considered.

Reasonable notice must also be given to the public at large, although this does not need to be direct. To meet the minimum requirement regarding notification of the public at large, a notice shall be posted in a place accessible to the public, such as city hall. However, neighborhood associations are encouraged to provide public notice as broadly as practical. If the meeting concerns a certain application or property, the property owner and applicant shall be afforded notice.

"Emergency" meetings may be called with a minimum of 24-hour notice, pursuant to 192.640 (3). Although neighborhood associations are encouraged to set meetings and provide notice as far in advance as possible, this is not always feasible. Press releases or phone calls shall be issued to the media. Every effort shall be made to contact members of the association who have attended the last two (2) association meetings.

Section 4. Quorum.

Those members present at any annual or special meeting of the members constitute a quorum at the meeting provided such members shall be not less than ten (10). A vote of the majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be necessary for the adoption of any matter voted upon by the members, unless a greater proportion is required by law.

Section 5. Minutes.

Minutes shall be taken by the Secretary or a member designated to serve as secretary for the meeting. Minutes shall with ORS 192.650 and shall be available to anyone upon request. (Note: Open to public, not at places which practice discrimination 192.630(3), 192.630(1); Disability - 192.630(5); [Executive Session - 192.660].


Executive Board Officers

Section 1. Officers.

The officers of the Association shall be a Chair Person, a Vice Chair, a Secretary/Treasurer and Land-Use Chair. A list of current officers shall be kept on file with the City of Gresham.

Section 2. Term of Office.

The Chair Person, Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Land-Use Chair shall be elected annually by the membership. Each officer shall hold office until his/her successor has been duly elected and qualified.

Section 3. Vacancies.

A vacancy in any executive board office because of death, resignation, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by a member chosen by the executive board members or by the membership at the next annual meeting or at a special meeting called thereof.

Section 4. Powers and Duties.

  • A. Chair Person. The Chair Person shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board; conduct the business of the Association by mail; appoint committee chairpersons; prepare an annual budget and report; and be responsible for upholding the Association's Bylaws and rules.

  • B. Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall assume the responsibilities of and perform the duties of the Chair Person in his/her absence; be chair of the Bylaws Committee and be responsible for reviewing and updating the bylaws; and perform such other duties as assigned.

  • C. Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall record and keep the minutes of all Executive Board and membership meetings; mail notices and information to members as required; maintain a file of Association documents; maintain a file of incoming and outgoing correspondence; and assure that the City receive such information as ordinances require; will collect monies only at the direction of the Board.

  • D. Land-Use Chair. The Land-Use Chair shall preside over the Land-Use Steering Committee. The Land Use Committee shall exist for the purpose of reviewing proposed land use, road construction and zoning changes and keep the Board abreast of its' findings and recommend ations that affect the area of the Association.


Election of Officers

Section 1. Time and Place.

The officers shall be elected at the first annual meeting of the members of the Association.

Section 2. Eligibility.

Only persons eligible for membership shall be qualified to hold elected or appointed positions.

Section 3. Election.

All nominees shall be submitted to the members present at the annual meeting. Every member present at the meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each officer to be elected. Nominees for each office shall be elected according to total number of votes received from the members.


Meetings of Executive Board

Section 1. Time and Place.

Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held monthly at such time and place as the Executive Board shall determine. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be open to all members of the Association.

Section 2. Special Meeting.

Special meeting of the Executive Board may be called by or at the request of the president or any two (2) officers and shall be held at such place as the officers may determine.

Section 3. Notice.

Once the time and place of regular board meetings is established and announced, no further notice of such regular meetings shall be required, unless there is a permanent change. Notice of all special meetings of the Executive Board shall be given in writing and mailed or delivered to each Executive Board officer at least three (3) days prior to the date of the meetings.

Section 4. Quorum.

A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Board for the transaction of business.

Section 5. Board Decisions.

The act of the majority of the officers present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Executive Board unless the act of a greater number is required by law of by these Bylaws.

Section 6. Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail.


Standing Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees.

All standing committees will be in existence for the duration of the Association and members shall be appointed or reappointed on annual basis.

Section 2. Name and Purpose.

  • A. Bylaws Committee. The Vice Chair shall be the chair of the committee for the purpose of reviewing and updating the bylaws on a regular basis.

  • B. Finance Committee. The Treasurer will collect monies at the direction of the Board.

  • C. Land Use Committee. The Land Use Committee shall exist for the purpose of reviewing proposed land use issues that affect the area of the Association.

  • D. Communication Co-ordinator. The Communication Co-ordinate shall lead a Communication Distribution Committee, which will disperse notices of the Associations meetings with public postings and flyers fifteen (15) days prior to the Associations meetings.

  • E. Crime Prevention Committee. The purpose of the committee shall be to create an awareness of adverse onditions, provide crime prevention education and assist in establishing crime prevention activities within Association Boundaries.

Section 2. Other Committees.

All other committees shall be ad hoc and created at the direction of the Executive Board Committee.



Section 1. Grievances.

Any member objecting to or challenging any action of an officer, committee, or the Board of the Association shall provide written notice to the officer, members of the committee, or the Executive Board within fifteen (15) days of such action specifying the action objected to or challenged and the grounds for the challenge. The officer, committee, or board shall review the written objection or challenge and shall consider such action or refer the matter:

  • A. To the full Executive Board, in the case of a challenge or objection to an action of an officer or committee, or

  • B. To the members in the case of a challenge or objection to an action of the full Executive Board.



Section 1. Amendments.

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the members at which a quorum is present by a majority vote of all members present and voting at the meeting. Provided that notice of such an amendment shall have been given to all members of the Executive Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the date on which the amendment is to be approved.

Section 2. Placement.

An up-to-date copy of the Bylaws shall be kept with the City.

Approved this date of ________________________________by

_____________________________________________, Secretary.

Revised: 2/6/2007