County Commissioner #4 Debate at St Aidan's: Sep 18, 2008

09/18/2008 - 7:30pm
09/18/2008 - 9:00pm
East Multnomah County Commissioner Candidate Debate between Diane </p>
<p>McKeel and Carla Piluso: Sept 18, 2008: St Aidan's Church

A "Must See" Event!
East Multnomah County
Commissioner #4 Candidates Debate,
Diane McKeel vs Carla Piluso
Sept 18, 2008 7:30PM
St Aidan's Church

When: Thursday, Sept 18 2008 7:30PM - 9:00PM
Where: St. Aidan's Episcopal Church
Murdock Hall
17405 NE Glisan St
Gresham, Oregon

Substantial off-street parking available

Debate starts promptly at 7:30PM

No admission charge!

Sponsored by the Rockwood Neighborhood Association, Roger Meyer, President; phone (503) 666-2776, email

All Gresham Neighborhood Association residents are invited to attend a lively 90 minute debate between Diane McKeel and Carla Piluso, candidates for County Commissioner District 4. Preference to be given to audience questions from members of West Gresham's Neighborhood Association members from Rockwood, North Gresham, North Central, and Wilkes-East. Invitees are advised that the debate may be videotaped and/or audio recorded.

Format and Information

  • Single-topic meeting. No other Neighborhood Association business will be conducted. Debate between the two candidates for Multnomah County Commission District 4's seat being vacated by the retirement of Commissioner Lonnie Roberts.
  • The debate will start promptly at 7:30 PM and end promptly at 9:00 PM.
  • After introductions and opening statements, each candidate will be asked the same questions from a list of questions prepared in advance by a committee composed of West Gresham community leaders. Those questions will not have been reviewed by the candidates prior to the debate. Question cards will also be collected from members of the audience, screened by a volunteer committee, and posed by the moderator to the candidates. Each candidate will be given an equal-time opportunity to respond to answers given by the other to a question directed to the other candidate. Whichever candidate first starts with opening remarks (determined by a coin toss) will be the last with closing remarks. If there is time, questions but not speeches or harrangues may be invited from the floor.

Two prime focuses to the questions

  • Candidates' views on issues of special importance to West Gresham residents, followed by a limited number of questions reflecting matters concerning all of East Multnomah County. The first questions asked will give both candidates opportunity to identify those issues, and if elected, what priority they would assign them.
  • Both candidates will be asked what they would do to correct public view of the County Commission as composed of self-interested and argumentative politicians more interested in "making points" than serving unmet needs of County residents. In this regard, each candidate will be asked how they intend to correct public concern about the Commission's poor relationship with East County jurisdictions over such matters as the County business tax, Commission actions that would endanger progress of METRO and regional transportation planners for the Mt. Hood By-pass by sale of county property considered one of four sites for the exit/entrance of Bypass at I-84 to US 26; how they would resolve the effect of poor County management of the design and funding for the East County Justice Center project; and how the County could better serve the unmet health and mental health needs of East County residents.

For additional information, including how you may volunteer to help in this event, please contact Roger N. Meyer, President, Rockwood Neighborhood Association, at 503-666-2776, or email